3 ways journaling can change your life

I call journaling my “me time”! It’s me, myself and my soul!


Journaling is your world of imagination where you can be yourself, be vulnerable and be none judgmental toward yourself. It is the best way to align your thoughts with your emotions. Your journal has the potential to be both a therapist and a dear friend who listens without judging or interrupting and is open 24 hours a day. You can tell your journal things you wouldn’t dare verbalize to someone else. Writing it down takes the edge off more toxic feelings and emotions and helps you better understand what you’re feeling by freeing up thinking space to gain clarity on what to do next.The journal is a great way of tracking down what we do and why we do it which can also serve as a powerful learning tool.


Writing requires us to think through the why’s and the how’s. 

When we sit down behind a blank computer screen or sheet of paper and begin to write...

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