Ways To Improve Your Life With Grace

If you’re looking for simple ways to improve your life, here are things you can start implementing right away that will make you more productive and awesome!


Take power naps daily:                                 

Do you think napping is for lazy people? Think again. Many studies have reported that a nap as brief as 20 minutes can improve alertness, psychomotor performance, and mood. Here are some suggestions to make the most out of your power nap:

  • Plan to take your nap at a good time in your daily sleep-wake cycle; for many people, sometime between noon and 4 p.m. is best.
  • Don’t sleep too long; a 20- to 40-minute nap may refresh your day without keeping you up at night.
  • Give yourself 10 to 15 minutes to wake up fully before you resume a demanding task.

Wake up at the same time every day:

Every single time I wake up early and have an active morning, I feel a lot...

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