Why Entrepreneurs Get Stressed and Quit!


Are you an entrepreneur taking charge of leading people, making decisions, and determining the fate of your business but it all leads to stress?

Do you find yourself running into some issues on your entrepreneurial journey which causes you to have anxiety?

Well it doesn't have to be that way!

For all your hard work, I want you to see your business grow, receive feedback from happy clients, and make your dream become reality stress-free!

On this episode, I share three reasons why hard working entrepreneurs get so stressed out and end up quitting! I also talk about what you can do to not have anxiety and instead wake up and be excited for the day as an entrepreneur!

Tell me below what hardships or stress are you facing as an entrepreneur?? 

Leave a comment below, we would love to hear from you!

Remember, share as much detail as possible in your reply. Your story may help someone else have a breakthrough!!!

Be sure to join us in the Love Your Life program!

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the secret to following your passion

passion Sep 01, 2018

Book  a  free  coaching session  to  learn  if  coach  Molone  is  the  right  coach  for  you  - https://www.valerymolone.com/coaching/ 

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5 key strategies for dealing with lifeā€™s hardships

Maybe you’re having trouble with your spouse or partner, and you just can’t seem to get it together. Maybe it’s from being complacent for too long and a need for change begins to build inside you. After all, that’s what we do right?

We’re human. We change. We can get comfortable in our environment, but sometimes we get too comfortable and the desire for change kicks in. It’s a good thing, but it can also be your enemy, if you allow it.

It’s human nature to need to be constantly growing, evolving, and changing. If you are stagnant and stick in a routine for too long, what happens? Well, most of the time, you get a feeling of boredom, a desire for change, or despair that comes from being in a stalled state of progression. That’s just you telling yourself that you need to change something.

If you were to learn the process a little better, you could really help yourself when it comes to understanding how to endure and overcome the very...

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3 things to remember when your loved ones donā€™t support your dreams

Whether that change is a new career, lifestyle choice, health change or relationship decision. Sometimes we don’t receive the full support, encouragement or level of understanding that we hoped for or needed from the one’s that we love. Leaving us feeling disappointed, unenthusiastic and questioning our decision.


Happiness is a choice, and so you must choose to do and believe what empowers you. Choose to do and believe only the things that move you towards your goals. Do not do or believe anything, no matter how true it might be, that moves you AWAY from your goals.


Your passion is a priority! 

A lot of people go through the motions in life, not doing what they love. They end up constantly looking back, asking themselves, “What if?”

Whether people support you or not, do you really want to look back in regret one day down the line? To not know what could have happened if you tried to do what you really wanted to do? 

This love of yours...

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Why you should eliminate anxiety and nagging self-doubt?

Everyone grapples with self-doubt once in a while, even successful business owners. A little self-doubt is not only normal, it's healthy. It prevents a leader from crossing the fine line between self-confidence and hubris.


Self-doubt is a special kind of hell. A small failure makes you question yourself and your abilities and, next thing you know, you feel like you aren’t good enough or smart enough to do anything. And that’s about the time you stop trying.


If you have developed a pattern of self-talk that is intrinsically negative, you are not alone. Far too many of us can be our own worst enemy when it comes to self-confidence. Rationally, it makes no sense to be mean to ourselves and yet we do it far too much.


The negativity we use when we think about ourselves ends up extending to all areas of our lives. We assume we are ‘no good’, ‘not good enough’, ‘not good-looking enough’, ‘too...

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3 ways journaling can change your life

I call journaling my “me time”! It’s me, myself and my soul!


Journaling is your world of imagination where you can be yourself, be vulnerable and be none judgmental toward yourself. It is the best way to align your thoughts with your emotions. Your journal has the potential to be both a therapist and a dear friend who listens without judging or interrupting and is open 24 hours a day. You can tell your journal things you wouldn’t dare verbalize to someone else. Writing it down takes the edge off more toxic feelings and emotions and helps you better understand what you’re feeling by freeing up thinking space to gain clarity on what to do next.The journal is a great way of tracking down what we do and why we do it which can also serve as a powerful learning tool.


Writing requires us to think through the why’s and the how’s. 

When we sit down behind a blank computer screen or sheet of paper and begin to write...

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Turn Trauma into Future Breakthroughs

Growing up, my life was not easy! There is very little that you can tell me that I have not done or heard before. From growing up in a foster home, traveling around the world, not having proper education, getting married at a very young age, being a battered wife, having kids at a young age, being a single mother, losing a child and much more…. I felt rejected by the world. I felt like a failure and a loser, I almost gave up. The only things that spurred me on was the urge I had inside me to share the lessons I’ve learned in my life, and the promise of helping people and making a difference in the world.

Over the next few years I decided to become a life coach so I studied everything I could get my hands on to learn how to create the trainings that people really wanted, and how to explain the value of what was in those programs so they would see the value and invest in them. I also had to overcome a lot of my own personal character flaws. Things like fear of rejection,...

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4 Secrets to Master Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is partly knowledge about the self: strengths and weaknesses, vulnerabilities, passions, idiosyncrasies and normalness. It can be derived in many ways from many sources. Your thoughts are a storyteller, we tell ourselves stories about who we are and that will give us our identity. Our self-concept is our self-identity. It is our image. The conception of who we are – it is our idea of our self. This concept of self relates to how we think, understand and know our self.

Our thoughts and deeds are affected by our daily actions and interactions. Our beliefs and opinions about our self can seem to become a heavy weight for us. They can almost seem to take on substance of their own and, in effect, weigh us down. This situation can develop during our upbringing. Ideas are planted, about us and our capabilities and can be planted deep within us. Here they can lay dormant and hidden. Alas they can become difficult to affect or change or remove.

Be selfish about...

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Are you ready to be the next leader?

Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. They set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new. Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to “win” as a team or an organization; and it is dynamic, exciting, and inspiring.

Leadership means different things to different people around the world, and different things in different situations.

Personal Leadership: 
Personal leadership is the ability and desire to crystallize your thinking and to establish a specific direction and destination for your own life. It includes the courage, choice, and commitment to move in that direction by taking committed and determined action to acquire, accomplish, or become whatever you visualize for your future.

Building Personal Leadership
Critical to your work and personal success is building your own personal leadership. There is no substitute to learning more about yourself, acquiring knowledge and wisdom, practicing new skills,...

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5 Tips To Keep Your Holiday Stress-Free!

While ‘tis the season to be merry”, for many of us, it’s also a season for stress, anxiety and angst, which leads us to behave in ways we’re sure to regret later. During this time of year, people often resort to bad habits—they may cave into sugar cravings, go for the booze and overdose on caffeine.

This may be a good time to try to reframe your thinking about the holidays. Instead of dreading the likely stress ahead, you can view the holidays as an opportunity to enhance your psychological well-being. There are a number of helpful steps you can take to lessen holiday stress and feel more optimistic about the season.


  • Take calm-down breaks - Soon after you awake, close your eyes, take several deep breaths and meditate or just relax.Imagine yourself in a beautiful place, think of a happy memory or visualize yourself succeeding at a cherished goal. “Quieting down your mind before you begin your day...
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